"God sitting on his throne sees Satan flying towards this world, then newly created; shows him to the Son who sat at his right hand; foretells the success of Satan in perverting mankind; ..."
au!74 - Weise? Warum denn?
L: "... Das ist das Gute, wenn man auf dem Land lebt. Da sind alle verschroben, also akzeptiert man einander, obwohl jeder vom anderen denkt, dass der wahrscheinlich seinen Hund küsst oder seltsame Gemüsesorten zieht."
S: "Was machen Sie selbst denn Merkwürdiges?"
L: "Ich küsse meinen Hund und züchte seltsame Gemüsesorten. Dieses Jahr hatten wir absolut exotische Tomatenarten und lila Karotten."
au!73 - delight
... and I shall take the best care I can, to use that word in no other sense. I am satisfied the word is not commonly used in this appropriated signification; but I thought it better to take up a word already known, and to limit its signification, than to introduce a new one which would not perhaps incorporate so well with the language. ...
(E.Burke: A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful)
au!70 - s.62
"... So wie der sogenannte freie Mensch eine Utopie ist, ist der sogenannte freie Künstler immer eine Utopie gewesen, ein Wahnsinn, so Reger oft. Die Künstler, die sogenannten großen Künstler, so Reger, denke ich, sind außerdem die skrupellosesten aller Menschen, sie sind noch viel skrupelloser als die Politiker. Die Künstler sind die Verlogensten, noch viel verlogener als die Politiker, also die Kunstkünstler sind noch viel verlogener als die Staatskünstler, höre ich jetzt wieder Reger. ..."
(T.Bernhard: "Alte Meister")
au!69 - wiewohl
"... Wiewohl ich für die raffinierten Einzeleffekte des Stücks, für die trügerischen Gefühlslagen, die Begriffstutzigkeit Penthesileas nach vollbrachter Tat, die machtvollen Übersprungshandlungen, für die retardierenden und vorwärtspeitschenden Momente und nicht zuletzt für die zuckende Oberlippe des Odysseus durchaus empfänglich bin, ist mir die Vorstellung zuwider, eine Frau beißt mitsamt ihren Hund die Brust des geliebten Mannes auf. ..."
(Sibylle Lewitscharoff)
au!68 - Fragment
"... Die höchste Lust haben wir ja an den Fragmenten, wie wir am Leben ja auch dann die höchste Lust empfinden, wenn wir es als Fragment betrachten, und wie grauenhaft ist uns das Ganze und ist uns im Grunde das fertige Vollkommene. [...] Unser Zeitalter ist als Ganzes ja schon lange Zeit nicht mehr auszuhalten, sagte er, nur da, wo wir das Fragment sehen, ist es uns erträglich. Das Ganze und das Vollkommene ist uns unerträglich, sagte er. ..."
(T.Bernhard: Alte Meister)
random#108 - strngmn
moon strange moon - "Livio's superscript next date being November. / wave falls and the hand falls / Thou shalt not always walk in the sun / or see weed sprout over cornice" (and she would not call) "Thy work in set space of years, not over an hundred." (but i hope but i wait) "July 18th. 1623" ...
random#107 - realize
"... I'll think of a sentence,
and then realize that it will for sure get deleted.
Then I won't even write it down. ..."
DIV. XI. 2011
diverse november 2011
Was aber hat es mit einer Natur auf sich, die Raum für solche Singularitäten besitzt? Sind ihr Kern wirklich Gesetze und kleinste Teilchen, die nach diesen Gestzen interagieren? /// "solid ice blocking his path" /// "Leonardo, der Wunscherfüller der Spätmoderne" /// "bei allen Vorgängen handle es sich um Fluktuationen eines bedeutungslos variierenden Grundbestands" /// "Aber das menschliche Leben ist auch für den Rest der Natur ungesund" /// "Oder wenn ich Enten im Park beobachte, die auf einem Bein stehen und schlafen, darüber kann ich mich freuen..." /// "the people's Williams" /// "Es gibt Orte, da ist das ganze Dorf krank" /// "die Leiden reichen..." /// Drecksbrühe /// "Im Raum (...) auf Teppich" /// "Vergangen ist das Labyrinth. Vergangen" /// "Bett quietscht" /// "Bildwerke in Stein" ///
diverse oktober 2011
"Stil ist Betrug" /// "Das Kunstwerk schafft sich seinen Raum" /// "Wie hübsch sind noch Picassos um die Ecke gemalten Frauen gegen diese zähnefletschenden Erotikmonster." /// "the killer was not the man in the street, but another" /// "Can This Poet Save Mexico?" /// "Wehmut setzt einen Verlust voraus" ///
au!66 - laß mir mein Bild
"Herr, erkenne auf diesem Bild die Wasser wieder, die du erschaffen hast, ob sie nun dein Atem erregt oder ob deine Hände sie glättet! Diese finsteren Wolken hast du versammelt, und dir hat es gefallen, sie wieder zu zerstreuen. Schon lösen sie sich auf und entfernen sich; schon kehrt der Abglanz der Sonne auf der Wasseroberfläche wieder; am rötlichen Horizont ahne ich bereits die kommende Stille. Wie weit er ist, dieser Horizont! Er berührt sich nicht mit dem Meer. Der Himmel scheint sich unter ihm zu drehen, als wollte er den ganzen Erdkreis umfangen. Gib diesem Himmel sein volles Licht wieder und dem Meer seinen ganzen Frieden. ..."
(Diderot: Gründe, meinem alten Hausrock nachzutrauern, oder:
Eine Warnung an alle, die mehr Geschmack als Geld haben)
Eine Warnung an alle, die mehr Geschmack als Geld haben)
what a shame
Your pictures past
And not so present hung for odyssey
You took me to the prom
You held my arm
We even danced a little
Your pictures past
And not so present hung for odyssey
You were metal
I was goth
Still we danced a little
It's not your birthday it's your funeral
What a shame
Cause the gang's all here and we're toasting your name
It's not your birthday it's your funeral
What a shame
Cause the gang's all here and we're toasting your name
And not so present hung for odyssey
You took me to the prom
You held my arm
We even danced a little
Your pictures past
And not so present hung for odyssey
You were metal
I was goth
Still we danced a little
It's not your birthday it's your funeral
What a shame
Cause the gang's all here and we're toasting your name
It's not your birthday it's your funeral
What a shame
Cause the gang's all here and we're toasting your name
random#98 - !
"...Sie konnten zeigen,
dass optimistische Menschen besonders begabt darin sind,
negative Informationen zu ignorieren."
random#96 - Tyrant
"That Tyrant, Hope! mark, how she domineers;
She bids us quit Rrealities, for Dreams;
Safety, and Peace, for Hazard, and Alarm;
That Tyrant o'er the Tyrants of the Soul!
She bids Ambition quit its taken Prize, ..."
au!63 - skóg
"In einem alten Wörterbuch findet man unter 'skóg', also Wald folgenden Eintrag:
1. Angstgefühl, 2. eine Volkssage, 3. etwas, das duftet, 4. ein Wald ist dort, wo viele Bäume zusammenkommen, und ein Baum ist etwas, das aus der dunklen Erde wächst und genau wie wir zu den Sternen hinaufstrebt."
random#93 - only on paper
Note: The People of Paper is not compatible
with Kindle, Nook, Ipad or any other circuitry.
It is only available on paper.
(Salvador Plascencia)
au!62 - dumbwaiter into hell
Dear friend,
I will have to sink with hundreds of others
on a dumbwaiter into hell.
I will be a light thing.
I will enter death
like someone's lost optical lens.
Life is half enlarged.
The fish and owls are fierce today.
Life tilts backward and forward.
Even the wasps cannot find my eyes.
"For that I have forgot the world these days,
To enter at the smokeless lodge, and take
Life naked at primeval hands, to make
Clean comrades of large things in mighty ways;
That I have wrestled with the huge dismays
Which make the high head bow, the strong heart quake,
That I have battled for a golden stake,
Richer by every terror and amaze,--
For that I have forgot the world her cries
In the vast painted silences, that men
Have meant me nothing, under the great skies,
Over the high hills of God's caress,--
Ye pitying elements!--be with me when
I kiss the little feet of foolishness."
au!62 - Helpful precursors to improvisation pt.3
BLVR: There’s that Charlie Parker quote: “You’ve got to learn your instrument. Then, you practice, practice, practice. And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just wail.” TA: That’s what he did. It sounds like water when you hear him play. [...]
TA: Yeah. And since you’re feeding the cat and you’re not paying attention and then you listen to what you just recorded, you can really hear when it’s wrong. If it’s wrong, it’s like when you put on bad music in the background. But going back to Coltrane, it sounds like he just wants to be doing that in an immediate way when he’s onstage. I’m starting to think that patience is the biggest part of the whole thing. And, you know, another thing that just popped into my head, and I’m not sure if this answers your question, but like a week ago, I was writing this thing. Single lines and chords moving and blah, blah. I was going for about four days, and I wasn’t really thinking about it. I had six minutes’ worth of music, and then all of a sudden it just stopped. And I didn’t really realize that it stopped until I put all the pieces together. It’s everywhere: on my cassette recorder, on my phone, on a 4-track recorder, on the laptop. It just stopped. All of a sudden. It’s the concept of being a channel. [...]
TA: Yeah, but that can be dangerous. People in my immediate family think I’m losing my mind, because I don’t know how to turn it off. I really don’t. As a matter of fact, I’ve been encouraged by my wife and those around me to, on New Year’s Eve, hand over my phone for a month. This is actually something I’ve never talked about before. This is what I’ve done to my life. Anybody who comes into my life, I start collaborating with. It’s not just Tom. It’s Steve, the Dude of Life, who wrote “Fluffhead” and “Suzy Greenberg”—a lot of good songs. And then it’s my first pal [Suzannah Goodman], who wrote “Bathtub Gin” with me, and then my friend Dave [Abrahams], who wrote “Runaway Jim” with me. It’s my daughter, who I wrote “Goodbye Head” with. It’s like it’s always happening. The only problem became when we started employing all our friends. That kind of thinking got out of control. I didn’t know where life began and music ended. My family recently made me change my phone ringer to a barking dog so it sounds like no. No no no. The problem is, if I don’t learn to have boundaries, which, historically, I don’t, then a lot of moments become, well, talking to cops or whatever. You can get a little crazy. It’s a blessing, but there’s a certain point at which you have to go to bed.
TA: Yeah. And since you’re feeding the cat and you’re not paying attention and then you listen to what you just recorded, you can really hear when it’s wrong. If it’s wrong, it’s like when you put on bad music in the background. But going back to Coltrane, it sounds like he just wants to be doing that in an immediate way when he’s onstage. I’m starting to think that patience is the biggest part of the whole thing. And, you know, another thing that just popped into my head, and I’m not sure if this answers your question, but like a week ago, I was writing this thing. Single lines and chords moving and blah, blah. I was going for about four days, and I wasn’t really thinking about it. I had six minutes’ worth of music, and then all of a sudden it just stopped. And I didn’t really realize that it stopped until I put all the pieces together. It’s everywhere: on my cassette recorder, on my phone, on a 4-track recorder, on the laptop. It just stopped. All of a sudden. It’s the concept of being a channel. [...]
TA: Yeah, but that can be dangerous. People in my immediate family think I’m losing my mind, because I don’t know how to turn it off. I really don’t. As a matter of fact, I’ve been encouraged by my wife and those around me to, on New Year’s Eve, hand over my phone for a month. This is actually something I’ve never talked about before. This is what I’ve done to my life. Anybody who comes into my life, I start collaborating with. It’s not just Tom. It’s Steve, the Dude of Life, who wrote “Fluffhead” and “Suzy Greenberg”—a lot of good songs. And then it’s my first pal [Suzannah Goodman], who wrote “Bathtub Gin” with me, and then my friend Dave [Abrahams], who wrote “Runaway Jim” with me. It’s my daughter, who I wrote “Goodbye Head” with. It’s like it’s always happening. The only problem became when we started employing all our friends. That kind of thinking got out of control. I didn’t know where life began and music ended. My family recently made me change my phone ringer to a barking dog so it sounds like no. No no no. The problem is, if I don’t learn to have boundaries, which, historically, I don’t, then a lot of moments become, well, talking to cops or whatever. You can get a little crazy. It’s a blessing, but there’s a certain point at which you have to go to bed.
(T.Anastasio - Believer Interview)
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(T.Bernhard: "Beton" - gute Reiselektüre!)
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