au!53 - Helpful precursors to improvisation pt.1
I saw King Crimson around that time, too. Robert Fripp was playing these crazy mathematical patterns. He’d be playing in a time signature of 7/4 while the other guy, Adrian Belew, played in 5/4, and they’d meet up thirty-five notes later. This kind of thing. But you have to put yourself in 1978. I was born in ’64. So I was fourteen. I saw Stanley Jordan in that same place. And Wynton Marsalis. All those concerts were in one year, and that’s the year I got into improvisation. That was the year before I left Princeton, New Jersey.
TA: We had this series of exercises that we developed, called “Including Your Own Hey.” It sounds weird, but we did them a lot. They start off with a pulse. [Snaps in time] The first level is, I play a four-note phrase [sings “do-do-do-do”]; Page [McConnell] is on my right, and he imitates it on the piano; Fish [Jon Fishman] does his best to play it on the drums; then Mike [Gordon] does it on the bass. Now everyone goes around the room in a circle and everyone starts one.
BLVR: It’s a copycat listening exercise.
TA: Yeah, and then there were more levels. The next level is, I start a pattern and then Page harmonizes with it. We make a jigsaw-puzzle pattern. Then Mike finds his place in the pattern, and Fish finds his place in it. And we’re all listening to each other. Now, only when you hear that all the other musicians have stopped searching, once you hear they’ve locked in with what you’re playing, you say, “Hey!” So, since we’re still listening so intently to each other, we should all say “Hey” at the same time, but if we don’t—if someone says “Hey” when you’re still searching, they’ve basically just told you, “I’m not listening to you.” So we found, very quickly, that it meant you had to always be listening to three people other than yourself. And the music, we found, improved immensely by not navel-gazing. So now the idea is, I’m not paying any attention to myself at all. I’m just responding to what they’re playing.
Then there were other levels, where you’d leave a hole in a musical phrase, and the other person could only play in that hole. That was called “Including Your Own Hey Hole.” [Laughs] So the bass lands, then the cymbal, then the guitar. [Sings, “Ba-bo-da-bing, ba-bo-da-bing.”]
TA: We had this series of exercises that we developed, called “Including Your Own Hey.” It sounds weird, but we did them a lot. They start off with a pulse. [Snaps in time] The first level is, I play a four-note phrase [sings “do-do-do-do”]; Page [McConnell] is on my right, and he imitates it on the piano; Fish [Jon Fishman] does his best to play it on the drums; then Mike [Gordon] does it on the bass. Now everyone goes around the room in a circle and everyone starts one.
BLVR: It’s a copycat listening exercise.
TA: Yeah, and then there were more levels. The next level is, I start a pattern and then Page harmonizes with it. We make a jigsaw-puzzle pattern. Then Mike finds his place in the pattern, and Fish finds his place in it. And we’re all listening to each other. Now, only when you hear that all the other musicians have stopped searching, once you hear they’ve locked in with what you’re playing, you say, “Hey!” So, since we’re still listening so intently to each other, we should all say “Hey” at the same time, but if we don’t—if someone says “Hey” when you’re still searching, they’ve basically just told you, “I’m not listening to you.” So we found, very quickly, that it meant you had to always be listening to three people other than yourself. And the music, we found, improved immensely by not navel-gazing. So now the idea is, I’m not paying any attention to myself at all. I’m just responding to what they’re playing.
Then there were other levels, where you’d leave a hole in a musical phrase, and the other person could only play in that hole. That was called “Including Your Own Hey Hole.” [Laughs] So the bass lands, then the cymbal, then the guitar. [Sings, “Ba-bo-da-bing, ba-bo-da-bing.”]
(Believer Mag Interview - Trey Anastasio)
au!52 - enoughenoughenough
Enough! Enough! Enough!
somehow I have been stunn'd. Stand back!
Give me a little time beyond my cuff'd head, slumbers,
dreams, gaping,
I discover myself on the verge of a usual mistake.
That I could forget the mockers and insults!
That I could forget the trickling tears and the blows of the
bludgeons and hammers!
That I could look with a separate look on my own crucifixion
and bloody crowning!
I remember now,
I resume the overstaid fraction,
The grave of rock multiplies what has been confided to it, or
to any graves,
Corpses rise, gashes heal, fastenings roll from me.
I troop forth replenish'd with supreme power, on of an aver-
age unending procession,
Inland and sea-coast we go, and pass boundary lines,
Our swift ordinances on their way over the whole earth,
The blossoms we wear on our hats the growth of thousands of
Eleves, I salute you! come forward!
Continue your annotations, continue your questionings.
somehow I have been stunn'd. Stand back!
Give me a little time beyond my cuff'd head, slumbers,
dreams, gaping,
I discover myself on the verge of a usual mistake.
That I could forget the mockers and insults!
That I could forget the trickling tears and the blows of the
bludgeons and hammers!
That I could look with a separate look on my own crucifixion
and bloody crowning!
I remember now,
I resume the overstaid fraction,
The grave of rock multiplies what has been confided to it, or
to any graves,
Corpses rise, gashes heal, fastenings roll from me.
I troop forth replenish'd with supreme power, on of an aver-
age unending procession,
Inland and sea-coast we go, and pass boundary lines,
Our swift ordinances on their way over the whole earth,
The blossoms we wear on our hats the growth of thousands of
Eleves, I salute you! come forward!
Continue your annotations, continue your questionings.
(W.Whitman: Leaves of Grass)
au!51 - 158
"Alle köstlichen Szenen der Liebe, der Freundschaft, der Wohltätigkeit, der Großmut und der Herzensergießung spielen am Ende der Welt."
(D.Diderot: 'Salons')
au!50 - Er las unter der Dusche
Er war ein komischer Typ. Er schrieb die Ränder der Bücher voll. Zum Glück habe ich ihm nie eins geliehen. Warum? Weil ich es nicht mag, wenn jemand in meine Bücher kritzelt. Und dann machte er noch etwas viel Verrückteres als Bücherränder vollschreiben. Es mag unglaublich klingen, aber er duschte mit einem Buch. Ehrenwort. Er las unter der Dusche. Woher ich das weiß? Ganz einfach. Alle seine Bücher waren von Feuchtigkeit aufgequollen. Am Anfang dachte ich, das komme vom Regen, U. war ein eingefleischter Fußgänger, nahm nur selten die Metro, ging kreuz un dquer durch ganz Paris, und wenn es regnete, war er völlig durchnäßt, denn er blieb nie stehen und wartete, bis der Regen aufhörte. Deshalb waren seine Bücher, jedenfalls die, die er meistens las, zerknittert und wie aus Pappe, und ich dachte, der Regen sei daran schuld. Aber eines Tages sah ich, wie er mit einem trockenen Buch ins Badezimmer ging und danach mit einem, das ganz feucht war, wieder herauskam. An jenem Tag siegte meine Neugier über meine Zurückhaltung. Ich ging und nahm ihm das Buch weg. Nicht nur der Umschlag war feucht, auch einige Seiten und sogar die Bemerkungen am rand, mit vom Wasser aufgelöster Tinte geschrieben, einige womöglich sogar unter fließendem Wasser, und ich sagte, mein Gott, ich kann's einfach nicht glauben, liest du etwa unter der Dusche? Bist du völlig durchgedreht? Er sagte, er könne nicht anders, und außerdem lese er nur Gedichte, eine Einschränkung, deren tiefere Gründe ich in jenem Moment nicht verstand, heute weiß ich, was er meinte, er wollte sagen, daß er nur drei oder vier Seiten lese und kein ganzes Buch, ...
(R.Bolano: "Die wilden Detektive")
diverse juli 2011
"I walked with a Zombie" /// "Euryalus forma insignis viridique iuventa, Nisus amore pio pueri;" /// "Jedes Jahr rutscht die Aggenalm zwei Zentimeter talwärts" /// "The short shorts. The tall boots. What do you think?" /// "Klopstocks Befreiung der Worte" /// "Now I think about physical things" /// aktiver und passiver Wortschatz /// Fische können sich überfressen" /// ...linking the comet image with... ///
random#74 - read the bible

He eats his bruises / eating more than ripe mango / but fallen mango / blip! ...
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