

"For that I have forgot the world these days,
To enter at the smokeless lodge, and take
Life naked at primeval hands, to make
Clean comrades of large things in mighty ways;
That I have wrestled with the huge dismays
Which make the high head bow, the strong heart quake,
That I have battled for a golden stake,
Richer by every terror and amaze,--

For that I have forgot the world her cries
In the vast painted silences, that men
Have meant me nothing, under the great skies,
Over the high hills of God's caress,--
Ye pitying elements!--be with me when
I kiss the little feet of foolishness."

random#91 - drk

"The efflux of the soul is happiness, here is happiness, ..."


au!62 - Helpful precursors to improvisation pt.3

BLVR: There’s that Charlie Parker quote: “You’ve got to learn your instrument. Then, you practice, practice, practice. And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just wail.” TA: That’s what he did. It sounds like water when you hear him play. [...]
TA: Yeah. And since you’re feeding the cat and you’re not paying attention and then you listen to what you just recorded, you can really hear when it’s wrong. If it’s wrong, it’s like when you put on bad music in the background. But going back to Coltrane, it sounds like he just wants to be doing that in an immediate way when he’s onstage. I’m starting to think that patience is the biggest part of the whole thing. And, you know, another thing that just popped into my head, and I’m not sure if this answers your question, but like a week ago, I was writing this thing. Single lines and chords moving and blah, blah. I was going for about four days, and I wasn’t really thinking about it. I had six minutes’ worth of music, and then all of a sudden it just stopped. And I didn’t really realize that it stopped until I put all the pieces together. It’s everywhere: on my cassette recorder, on my phone, on a 4-track recorder, on the laptop. It just stopped. All of a sudden. It’s the concept of being a channel.
TA: Yeah, but that can be dangerous. People in my immediate family think I’m losing my mind, because I don’t know how to turn it off. I really don’t. As a matter of fact, I’ve been encouraged by my wife and those around me to, on New Year’s Eve, hand over my phone for a month. This is actually something I’ve never talked about before. This is what I’ve done to my life. Anybody who comes into my life, I start collaborating with. It’s not just Tom. It’s Steve, the Dude of Life, who wrote “Fluffhead” and “Suzy Greenberg”—a lot of good songs. And then it’s my first pal [Suzannah Goodman], who wrote “Bathtub Gin” with me, and then my friend Dave [Abrahams], who wrote “Runaway Jim” with me. It’s my daughter, who I wrote “Goodbye Head” with. It’s like it’s always happening. The only problem became when we started employing all our friends. That kind of thinking got out of control. I didn’t know where life began and music ended. My family recently made me change my phone ringer to a barking dog so it sounds like no. No no no. The problem is, if I don’t learn to have boundaries, which, historically, I don’t, then a lot of moments become, well, talking to cops or whatever. You can get a little crazy. It’s a blessing, but there’s a certain point at which you have to go to bed.
(T.Anastasio - Believer Interview)


sainted holy-days

((by Jos.))


meer - zurück(schade)

"Du solltest wegreisen. Wenn du nicht bald wegreist, verkommst du, gehst ein. Ich sehe schon, wie du in einem Winkel zuerst verrückt wirst und dann verkommst. Reisen! Meine Vorliebe früher, meine einzige Leidenschaft. Aber jetzt bin ich ja für jede Reise viel zu schwach, sagte ich mir, es ist nicht einmal daran zu denken, wegzureisen. Und wenn, wohin? Möglicherweise, dachte ich, ist das Meer meine Rettung. Dieser Gedanke setzte sich in mir fest, von diesem Gedanken konnte ich nicht mehr wegkommen. Ich griff mir an den Kopf und sagte: das Meer! Ich hatte mein Zauberwort. Wenn wir reisen, werden wir, wenn wir noch so abgestorben sind, wieder lebendig. ..."
(T.Bernhard: "Beton" - gute Reiselektüre!)


random#90 - massengräber

Home Is Where The Massengräber Are...


diverse september 2011
"C'est égal" /// "Manchmal wird die Geschichte durch die Wahrheit unerträglich..." /// "Es strahlte kurz und scharf" /// kühl kalkulierend /// "die Kunst wird also dem Zwang der Freiheit unterworfen" /// "Wir leben fort im Geiste, das übrige wird dem Tod einhefallen." /// "erweiterter Provinzialismus" /// "... und ich schaffe mein eigenes Narrativ, als dass ich eine Fußnote bin in der Geschichte von jemand anderem." /// Der Militärputsch von 1980 hat eine ganze Generation von Künstlern ausgelöscht: Sie wurden Werbeleute, gingen ins Marketing, wurden Zyniker." ///