
au!65 -

"Die Strafe entspricht der Schuld: 
aller Lust zum Leben beraubt zu werden, 
zum höchsten Grad von Lebensüberdruß gebracht zu werden."
(Kierkegaard (in T.Bernhard: Alte Meister))


random#100 - i salute

((coffee and typwriter))


what a shame

Your pictures past
And not so present hung for odyssey
You took me to the prom
You held my arm
We even danced a little
Your pictures past
And not so present hung for odyssey
You were metal
I was goth
Still we danced a little

It's not your birthday it's your funeral

What a shame
Cause the gang's all here and we're toasting your name
It's not your birthday it's your funeral
What a shame
Cause the gang's all here and we're toasting your name


random#99 - TheTempleOfFlora

(((sista, time to be happy 
to have your brotha)))

random#98 - !

"...Sie konnten zeigen, 
dass optimistische Menschen besonders begabt darin sind, 
negative Informationen zu ignorieren."


au!64 - felixnihil


random#97 - a cat

(by Jos.)
a cat a ghost a day a moon a way no sign ...


random#96 - Tyrant

"That Tyrant, Hope! mark, how she domineers;
She bids us quit Rrealities, for Dreams;
Safety, and Peace, for Hazard, and Alarm;
That Tyrant o'er the Tyrants of the Soul!
She bids Ambition quit its taken Prize, ..."

random#95 - ntbk cut


au!63 - skóg

"In einem alten Wörterbuch findet man unter 'skóg', also Wald folgenden Eintrag:
1. Angstgefühl, 2. eine Volkssage, 3. etwas, das duftet, 4. ein Wald ist dort, wo viele Bäume zusammenkommen, und ein Baum ist etwas, das aus der dunklen Erde wächst und genau wie wir zu den Sternen hinaufstrebt."


random#94 - Seebestattung

random#93 - only on paper

Note: The People of Paper is not compatible 
with Kindle, Nook, Ipad or any other circuitry.
It is only available on paper. 

(Salvador Plascencia)

random#92 - ntbk cut


au!62 - dumbwaiter into hell

Dear friend,
I will have to sink with hundreds of others
on a dumbwaiter into hell.
I will be a light thing.
I will enter death
like someone's lost optical lens.
Life is half enlarged.
The fish and owls are fierce today.
Life tilts backward and forward.
Even the wasps cannot find my eyes.