
random#146 - ughhhhhhhhh!

FA: I got sent to the school psychologist in junior high school because we had an assignment in English class, and the assignment was “What would you do if you only had one more day to live?”
BLVR: Yeah…
FA: And I remember talking to the other kids, and they were just the lamest — how do I describe it? It was things like, “I would visit my grandparents,” “I would see my family,” and I was just like ughhhhhhhhh! I don’t even know if I was trying to be funny or what it was, but I wrote this paper that said, “I would destroy everything, I would go into every store and burn it down and smash the windows.” It was just my reaction to all of that. My teacher graded it by giving me a question mark and then I had to go to the school psychologist for the day
(The Believer Logger)